App Marketing Services

Downloads. Installs. Sales.

Mobile App Marketing service

Let us promote your Android & IOS awareness with the help of our services in order to increase organic installs. Our qualified team will enhance the traffic of your app so you could attract more users, improve app ranking and conversion rate. Just leave a link to your app and enjoy the result.

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There are 8 major obstacles to overcome when marketing your App in the Apple and Android Store: the size of the marketplace, the short attention span of the user, design, functionality, the user experience, the app SEO & Ranking, description, price and reviews.

Depending on your needs and requirements, we offer the following packages to help you market your app:
• “App SEO” for your app search engine rankings
• “Social Blitz” for your app social media management
• “Website & SEO” to showcase your app on the internet
• “News Blitz” for your app review submissions and public announcements
• “App Discovery” as a comprehensive marketing campaign for your app

The App SEO package, or ASO is designed to improve your app ranking inside the Apple and Android store (Google Play). The success or failure of your app depends primarily on the visibility and searchability in the app stores. With this package you will dramatically improve your App Store Optimization inside the app stores. The program also performs some app tweaks resulting in a much higher download rate.

Social Blitz
The Social Blitz package is designed to manage your app social media presence to increase attention and awareness on social networking sites. Because of the viral nature of social media, word of mouth advertising and third party recommendations, you can increase significantly the exposure of your app to a much greater audience.

Website & SEO
With this package we will create a website that will help you sell your app. This website will feature the functionalities, usability, its benefits, etc. The website is the front store of your app. The more information and call to action there is to drive sales, the more you will entice users to download your app. The website is optimized for the search engines.

News Blitz
This package allows you to submit your app to major app review sites, app directories and press releases. We utilize these digital tools to get the public’s attention and to drive targeted traffic to your app and website.

App Discovery
Before the launch of a new app, it is essential to develop a strategy and marketing plan that will guarantee its success. This comprehensive package is designed to maximize sales of your app right from the get-go. Far too often the lifespan and fate of a new app is predetermined by factors that can impede over its success. This package addresses these issues; it’s designed to root them out so that your new app can enjoy a higher lifespan and significantly higher download rates.

Mobile Marketing
All your clients have a Smartphone, yet you lack the resources to market your business with Mobile apps? We have a tailored made package for you. It is essential to develop a long term strategy that will guarantee success on Smartphones. This service is designed to maximize sales with your Mobile business app.