Privacy Policy

Our Service values visitor’s privacy. Also, the official website understands all the reasons why do people aspire to make their personal data safe. It is considered about banking and personal account, other data in profiles and applications. That's why this Agreement and important statements were created.

As a result, customer may be sure that there is no way that their personal information will be collected. Our Service insists that emails, names, apps data, addresses, etc., are protected from collection intentionally or automatically. To make such protection real, the did provide its Service with special scripts and algorithms. All of them protect customers' data no matter what platform they use (personal computers or mobile gadgets).

There is also information that is free to be gathered. Among such data, you may find a type of browser, details of a provider, domain name, and operating system. Don't worry about your personal data, because this information will be useful for developers to improve its services and usability and your experience only. If customers would like to join the improvement of this platform, they can give their permission for personal data gathering. In any case, such information can be collected only in one case: customer did it voluntarily:

  • Processing goals and purposes;
  • Personal info types and categories;
  • Any parties, organizations, recipients, and categories of other third-party controllers, which may or will be forwarded person info;
  • The exact timeframes (where possible) that define the period of using personal info by a controller.
  • (Where possible) that define the period of using personal info by a controller.

Info Processing Legal Basis
Some of the company's points describe the set of the legal basis that allows us to process personal info in accordance with the purposes described in the company's policies as well as in the given statement. The controller may process the info to provide or develop its services as well as for other operations prescribed by the term and policies. All purposes should consist of a legal basis for the company to process personal info related to the data subject. The additional legal basis may include safety issues. It means that a company can launch the info processing in order to establish safety rules and protect the subject's personal info. These terms refer also to the data subject's health in case of injury. All the above-mentioned factors appear to be a legal basis for the company to opt for info processing unless those issues are not overridden by state laws and legislations. At the same time, the European legislator reserves the right for the controller to process info for the sake of data subject protection.

Legitimate Interests
This section describes legitimate interests pursued by the controller or its partners, third parties or other organizations. The company processes data in order to ensure its employees and representatives' protection and safety. All actions are performed for the sake of employees' well-being. The actions may also include the processing of data subject info as well.

The respective statutory period is the basis for establishing the personal info storage expiring date. Once the deadline has been approached, the controller is obliged to delete all personal info from its database.

Cookies are necessary for the controller's website to be stored in a browser and computer systems as text files. They help our website to identify a returning user and ensure faster access to website services. The identification is possible due to special IDs all cookies have. Both browsers and devices store information about cookies received from a website making it easy for the controller to recognize its online user. A controller sends cookies to deliver a more enhanced service to its visitors. The main mission is to make a website more user-friendly and fast to operate and browse. A data subject may benefit from faster access to necessary sections and web pages.

Using cookies makes it easier for visitors to access the website. They do not need to enter or type in the same information every time they want to surf the site. At the same time, they ensure a more comprehensive shopping experience when it comes to products in your cart after visiting a particular online shop.

The European legislator reserves the right for the data subject to refuse from using cookies at any time. You may check your browser and enable the function that refuses from using cookies on a particular website including the controller's resource. Some browsers automatically delete cookies. In this case, the controller is not responsible for any errors or other malfunctions that may occur.

General Info Collection
Once a data subject has decided to enter a website or use any of its services, the user agrees to provide the required personal info that is processed by the website automatically. The website transfers the info to its server log files where it is stored. The controller collects various types of general and personal info that may include browser version and type; OS version and type; referral links; sub-domain names; date and length of session; IP address; Internet providing company; additional data related to users accessing a website.

All data subjects should keep in mind that generated info does not let the controller find out any personal details about the subject. The data is necessary for smooth and errorless website operation, flawless content and service delivery, ads and content optimization, technological viability, etc. The info can also be sued for digital protection purposes to prevent any risk of fraud or hacker attacks. We guarantee that general info is stored separately from personal info.

Newsletters Subscription
All data subjects will have an opportunity to subscribe to the controller's newsletters. You will be informed about personal info generated by the website to enable the newsletters option. Newsletters are used by our company to keep our customers and partners informed about all possible updates, new services, ads, and other promotional materials. A client may receive our newsletters in case he or she provides valid contact info including email, completes the registration process necessary to enable the newsletter option.

Once a customer has successfully completed a simple registration process, he or she should agree with terms and policies. The agreement proves that we will use contact info for sending newsletters only. Data subjects should keep in mind that a controller also uses his or her IP address during the registration process. Additionally collected info may include the date and length of session as well as some other points related to the general info issues.

The controller never transfers or shares personal info related to newsletters subscription. We guarantee that any of the third parties will never receive your personal info. Subscribers can eliminate the newsletters subscription any time as well as revoke the subscription whenever needed. You can opt for an unsubscribe option on the controller's website as well as through direct communication.