App News

Downloads. Installs. Sales.

Internet of Things (IoT), What is IoT and How it Works

The Internet of Things – or IoT – is influencing our lifestyle from the way we react to the way we behave. From air conditioners that you can control with your Smartphone, to Smart Cars providing the shortest route, or your Smartwatch, which is tracking your daily activities, IoT is a giant network with connected…
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The Best Bitcoin Mining Hardware 2018 Reviewed: ASIC Litecoin, Ethereum Miner Rig 2020

The cryptocurrency market is growing so fast, and one of the fastest growing digital assets (including LiteCoin, Ethereum, etc…) that it has right now is Bitcoin. From the time it began to exhibit signs of potential growth in 2011, many ‘experts’ have been predicting the fall of this world’s largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization. Since…
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Getting Started in Developing AR/VR Apps | Columbia College Chicago Online

A short time ago, virtual reality and augmented reality were only possible through special effects. In fact, they were only seen in science fiction movies. However, this future technology is now in our hands and is showing itself to be an exciting new field, possibly even becoming the next primary computing platform. VR and AR…
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What is Augmented Reality and How Does it Work? | Mashable Explains

Unlike the full immersion of virtual reality, augmented reality aims to make the world you already see so much cooler. Augmented reality is when digital information is overlaid onto the actual physical world. Your camera detects a target image, and can figure out how close or far, and at what angle, the target image is…
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The 10 Best Augmented Reality Apps for iPhone

Apple is convinced that AR is the technology of the future, but frankly it hasn’t done a good job showing HOW it will become a part of our everyday lives. So that’s why I’ve rounded up the following apps. They’re not necessarily the most polished AR apps on the App Store, but I think they’re…
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Understanding Mobile App Business Models

We’re going to look at the various business models that you can use to make money on your apps. A successful business model maximizes the lifetime value (LTV) of every user, while delivery the best experience. You’ll want to evaluate all revenue stream options and pick a strategy that includes some sort of hybrid monetization…
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Understanding Mobile apps

An effective mobile marketing approach includes more than just optimizing your website to work well on mobile devices. More and more businesses are also investing in mobile apps to engage with customers on the go. But what purpose do mobile apps serve, and how do you know if creating one can benefit your business? We’ll…
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More Than Downloads: Developing A Marketing Funnel For Mobile Apps – Whiteboard Wednesday

Today we’re going to talk about why downloads don’t really matter to your apps. If you go back to the beginning of the early points of the app store when brands were first starting to move into the app store, there was kind of a straightforward but murky process about determining how successful your apps…
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Basis of app marketing: how to choose a marketing strategy for your app

Nowadays mobile phones are the center of our world. And app developers are struggling to create the best app ever. This is the reason why this era is also called the app economy. This run among developers involves the fact that there are around 2 millions apps for the IOS devices and around 2 millions…
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How Much Does It Cost to Develop an App?

How much does it cost to make an App? Good question? If you ask this of an App developer, they will answer with the less than helpful response – “that depends”. Some websites offer to ‘guestimate’ the cost of developing your App, but they are usually marketing tools, used to ‘hook you’. The price of…
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